Looking for more steel product information? Here are the most commonly questions we receive about our business. If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to let us know.
A: You can find us at 13 Coulthard Crt Alice Springs, NT 0870.
A: You can reach our team by calling (08) 8953 7355, or you can send us a direct email at sales@dnasteeldirect.com.au. You can also reach us by visiting our contact page and filling out the form.
A: Odds are, if you need a product that is made from steel, we can handle it. We have a team of professional welders, and the highest quality machinery. Some of the products we are most common asked to do are:
A: We can provide the following products, either from our stock, or through making them ourselves:
A: We provide custom sheds and products in Alice Springs and surrounding locations throughout the Northern Territory. We also ship our products Australia-wide.
A: Our top brands include:
DNA Steel Direct offers a vast assortment of fabricated steel products ranging from sheds and fencing to gates and custom shelving. We are the sole accredited provider of Ranbuild Sheds in Alice Springs.
Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday Closed